20 Liters Steel Jerrycan - Olive Green
- Brand New Jerrycan
- Capacity : 20 Ltrs
- Colour : Olive Green
- Weight : 4.5 Kg
- Dimensions : 47 cm x 35 cm x 16 cm
- Material : Steel
- Inner Paint : Petroleum Resistant Paint
- Outer Paint : Powder Coated
- Accessories : Comes with Security Pin
- A rubber gasket at it's mouth makes it 100% leak proof (Say goodbye to leaking Military Surplus Jerry Cans)
A jerrycan or jerrican or jerry can is a robust fuel container made from pressed steel. It was designed to hold 20 litres of fuel. The jerrycan was invented by the Germans during a secret project ordered by Hitler. The Germans called it the Wehrmachtskanister. The history of the Jerrycan is notable because it was reverse engineered during World War II. Jeri as it was first spelt was an acronym for J.E.R.I or Journey Extension Refillable Item. Also commonly called a Journey Can.
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